Managers of today’s pipeline companies are looking for effective training programs for pipeline operations and maintenance (O&M). One of the more significant reasons for the renewed interest in training has been the measures implemented by U.S. government regulators in response to recent pipeline accidents. These measures have included publication of enhanced pipeline safety standards, imposition of large fines for infractions, and even imprisonment for pipeline employees. In the meantime we’ve witnessed a proliferation of web-based learning management systems (LMS), some of which specifically target training for pipeline operations and maintenance. These “all in one” training systems promise much: 24/7 access from any Internet-enabled computer, more consistent and less expensive training, a self-paced learning environment, centralized training material, the potential for a multimedia learning experience, and easier management of qualification records. This paper explores reasons why pipeline managers should be cautious when considering web-based learning management systems as a complete training solution for their operations.
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2004 International Pipeline Conference
October 4–8, 2004
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Conference Sponsors:
- International Petroleum Technology Institute
Effectiveness of Web Based Pipeline Operator Training and Qualification Systems
Peter Hansen
Peter Hansen
Enbridge Technology Inc.
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Barry Horon
Enbridge Technology Inc.
Peter Hansen
Enbridge Technology Inc.
Paper No:
IPC2004-0372, pp. 2631-2637; 7 pages
Published Online:
December 4, 2008
Horon, B, & Hansen, P. "Effectiveness of Web Based Pipeline Operator Training and Qualification Systems." Proceedings of the 2004 International Pipeline Conference. 2004 International Pipeline Conference, Volumes 1, 2, and 3. Calgary, Alberta, Canada. October 4–8, 2004. pp. 2631-2637. ASME.
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