The work presents the features and performance of a dedicated system for monitoring stresses in the vicinity of retention valves in a long oil pipe. Monitoring stations that can be numerous and located in remote regions, where no electric power is available, must be operated by batteries which provide a somewhat limited supply of energy. The project of a low-cost low-power consumption device is therefore of great importance for keeping records of strains, or any other engineering parameter that develop remotely on the pipe. The system developed is a simultaneous 5-channel analog data conditioning and recording equipment, that can be programmed to sample data at regular time intervals. The recording device can be any voice/music standard monaural cassette tape recorder. The paper displays project details as well as qualitative results of circumferential and longitudinal stress monitoring in a remote measuring station, with 4 data channels per station, recorded during 7 consecutive days at 15 minutes sampling intervals.

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