Enbridge Pipelines Inc. operates the world’s longest and most complex liquids pipeline network. As part of Enbridge’s Integrity Management Program In-Line Inspections have been and will continue to be conducted on more than 15,000 km of pipeline. This extensive program is comprised of a mature metal loss and geometry inspection component as well as a crack inspection program utilizing the most sophisticated In-Line Inspection (ILI) tools available. Enbridge conducted its first ultrasonic crack inspection with the British Gas Elastic Wave Vehicle (Now GE Power Systems – Oil & Gas – PII Pipeline Solutions) in September 1993 on a Canadian portion of it’s 864–mm (34”) diameter line. The Elastic Wave Vehicle was also used for crack detection on additional segments of this same 864–mm (34”) diameter line during the following years, 1994, 1995 and 1996. Enbridge then conducted its first crack inspection with the Pipetronix UltraScan CD tool (Now also GE Power Systems – Oil & Gas – PII Pipeline Solutions) in November 1997 on a segment of this 864–mm (34”) diameter line that was previously inspected with the Elastic Wave Vehicle. The UltraScan CD tool was then utilized again in 1999, 2000 and 2001 completing crack inspection of the Canadian portion of this 864–mm (34”) diameter line. Enbridge conducted its first magnetic crack inspection with the PII TranScan (TFI) Circumferential Magnetic inspection tool in December 1998 on a United States portion of another 864–mm (34”) diameter line. This same section of line was subsequently inspected with the PII UltraScan CD tool in July 2001. This paper discusses the comparison of results from overlapping crack inspection data analysis from these three PII crack detection tools. Specifically, the overlap of the UltraScan CD and Elastic Wave Vehicle along with the overlap of the UltraScan CD and TranScan (TFI) tool. The relative performance of each crack detection tool will be explored and conclusions drawn.
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2002 4th International Pipeline Conference
September 29–October 3, 2002
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Conference Sponsors:
- Pipeline Division
Enbridge Comparison of Crack Detection In-Line Inspection Tools
Garrett H. Wilkie,
Garrett H. Wilkie
Enbridge Pipelines, Inc., Edmonton, AB, Canada
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Tanis J. Elm,
Tanis J. Elm
Enbridge Pipelines, Inc., Edmonton, AB, Canada
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Don L. Engen
Don L. Engen
Enbridge Pipelines, Inc., Edmonton, AB, Canada
Search for other works by this author on:
Garrett H. Wilkie
Enbridge Pipelines, Inc., Edmonton, AB, Canada
Tanis J. Elm
Enbridge Pipelines, Inc., Edmonton, AB, Canada
Don L. Engen
Enbridge Pipelines, Inc., Edmonton, AB, Canada
Paper No:
IPC2002-27307, pp. 69-77; 9 pages
Published Online:
February 24, 2009
Wilkie, GH, Elm, TJ, & Engen, DL. "Enbridge Comparison of Crack Detection In-Line Inspection Tools." Proceedings of the 2002 4th International Pipeline Conference. 4th International Pipeline Conference, Parts A and B. Calgary, Alberta, Canada. September 29–October 3, 2002. pp. 69-77. ASME. https://doi.org/10.1115/IPC2002-27307
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