BC Gas Utility operates a natural gas transmission pipeline that serves the Okanagan Valley and Kootenay regions of British Columbia and a population of approximately 100,000. The pipeline runs from Kingsvale to Oliver and crosses the Similkameen River at Keremeos. During an over flight inspection (September 20, 1999), the pipeline was observed to be exposed in the river. Subsequent on-ground inspection revealed that the pipe had been exposed, was suspended up to 600 mm above the bottom of the river and had sustained damage to both the concrete and to the underlining PE coatings. Efforts to repair the pipeline insitu or replace it under emergency procedures were not successful and it was decided to implement a temporary repair prior to the upcoming spring runoff to protect the pipeline from further mechanical damage while the regulatory agencies approved a more permanent repair. Obtaining permission to install temporary protection proved to be very difficult and time consuming and it was approximately three months before the temporary protection could be constructed. Securing approval for the permanent repair was even more time consuming and problematic and it was another 6 months (September, 2000) before those approvals were secured. This paper presents the process that BC Gas went through to identify the problem, identify repair options and secure approvals for the repair.

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