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Keywords: Dyneema
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Proceedings Papers

Proc. ASME. IMECE2024, Volume 9: Heat Transfer and Thermal Engineering, V009T11A011, November 17–21, 2024
Publisher: American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Paper No: IMECE2024-144102
..., Dyneema SK99, is measured using a well-established thermal characterization method known as the transient electrothermal technique (TET). The TET was performed in vacuum to mitigate the effect of convection heat transfer and radiation heat loss was minimized by heating the samples less than 5...
Proceedings Papers

Proc. ASME. IMECE2023, Volume 4: Advanced Materials: Design, Processing, Characterization and Applications; Advances in Aerospace Technology, V004T04A029, October 29–November 2, 2023
Publisher: American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Paper No: IMECE2023-114050
... be combined in a multi-layer insulation blanket. Materials like Kevlar, Twaron, and other aramid materials are used as fabric layers in the space shields. Other potential materials are Ultra High Molecular Weight Polyethylene (UHMWPE) or Dyneema and ceramic-based structures can be used as well...