
We validate, using a coupled finite element/boundary element computer code, a recently-developed series solution for the structural acoustics problem of scattering from two submerged spherical elastic shells. Although the general purpose computational tools for acoustic scattering have never been restricted to single scatterers, the availability of the series solution provides, for the first time, the mutual validation of both exact and numerical approaches for a multiple elastic scatterer problem. The excellent agreement between the two solutions presented thus allows this problem to be added to the short list of existing benchmark structural acoustics problems possessing an analytic solution. For the purposes of this comparison, the direction of incidence is taken as parallel with the axis joining the two shells. The numerical solution uses the NASHUA code, which couples a finite element shell model of the two shells with a boundary element model of the surrounding fluid. The exact (series) solution is found by expanding in terms of classical modal series and uses the addition theorem for the spherical wave functions. The exact solution requires coupling coefficients that are expressed in terms of sums of products of Wigner 3-j symbols (or Clebsch-Gordan coefficients).

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