
This study utilized molecular dynamics simulation to investigate how boiling a liquid water film on a hot copper plate generates distinctive features of nanostructured surfaces. This study aims to explore the impact of nanostructured surfaces on boiling water and observe heat flow for microelectronic systems. The molecular system comprises a solid copper wall, liquid water, and water vapor. LAMMPS (open-source large-scale atomic/molecular massively parallel simulator) was used to conduct the simulations and OVITO was used to visualize the results.

This study compared the results for hot plain surfaces with different concave surfaces. The purpose is to observe how the nanostructured surface reacts to bubble formation in contrast to the smooth surfaces. The result shows that boiling initiates faster on the largest concave nanostructured surface than on the plain surface. The effect of nanostructured surface on the boiling liquid film has extensive applications in Engineering and nanotechnology. Furthermore, different studies show that at a macroscopic level, smooth surfaces can have nanoscale and microscale structures. Therefore, understanding the boiling process on different surfaces is essential to gain insights into these physical phenomena.

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