A simple way to improve and optimize the mechanical properties of a metals surfaces’ is by using a suitable heat treatment. In the case of heat treatment of Ti-6Al-4V alloy, heat treatment alters its areal surface topography. In this study, samples of Ti-6Al-4V alloys are prepared with varying roughness are treated at 750 °C at varying time durations. The treated surfaces were then measured using a laser confocal microscope, and data was processed in the Confomap software. The software has advanced analyses modules useful for real-time quick analysis of topological data. The study explores the topological changes caused by heat treatment using these advanced modules. The changes in surface, functional parameters, directionality, isotropy, and areal spectral properties are summarized and reported. The results show a direct correlation between these surface changes, initial surface properties, and the treatment duration. The results show a significant change in the two-hour treatment for all measured parameters except the areal spectral results, which significantly changed in the eight-hour treatment experiment.