
This paper provides an overview of the base model specifically developed to perform parametric sensitivity studies on the U-10Mo monolithic fuel system. U-Mo monolithic fuels are being considered for the conversion of test reactors into high-performance research reactors that operate using proliferation-resistant, low-enriched uranium (LEU) fuels. These plate-type fuels contain a high-density, low-enrichment fuel sandwiched between zirconium diffusion barriers and encapsulated in aluminum claddings. All U.S. high-performance research reactors have released the designs of their LEU monolithic fuel reactor cores. These designs include nearly 50 distinct fuel plate geometries with different operational parameters. Consequently, a single generic plate geometry representing all the extreme points in this design matrix is unrealistic. To evaluate the performance for various parameters, a set of sensitivity studies was performed. These studies considered various input parameters (i.e., geometric, operational, and material property-related). The results revealed valuable information about plate performance and the sensitivity of this performance to various modeling inputs. To establish a reference state for comparing these result, base model featuring representative irradiation conditions was developed. To capture in-reactor behavior accurately, incorporation of representative constitutive models capable of evolving properties with respect to temperature, irradiation time, and burnup was needed. The behavioral models considered burnup-dependent properties, swelling, creep, and degradation. This paper introduces the base model created for the parametric sensitivity studies. The detailed description of the procedure includes the model geometry, model discretization, thermo-mechanical coupling, material properties and behavioral models. This paper also provides selected results and assesses the performance of the base model.

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