
Energy planning is a key-factor in establishing framework for any kind of regulation in the energy sector. Considered to be a major instrument of energy policy planning is affected by allocation of energy resources, technological, environmental, and economical factors. Looking to the UAE Energy 2050-Plan, we find two main goals: delivering clean and inexpensive energy by raising the share of renewable energy in the energy mix from 25% to 50% by 2050, and reacting to climate change by reducing greenhouse gas emission produced by conventional power generation by 70%. The aim of this research is to evaluate Abu Dhabi’s energy system by comparing various policy development scenarios in the context of the recent integration of renewable and nuclear resources into the grid using real data. In this paper, a quantitative analysis of the Abu Dhabi energy sector is modeled with several scenarios to drive regional objectives and policies plans. This research employs deterministic hourly simulation that generates hourly analyses of the energy system, with consideration of 2020 as a reference year. Evaluation of modeled scenarios from the standpoint of annual carbon dioxide emissions and annual cost are presented and analyzed. Future research should consider uncertainty in nuclear power delay and availability.

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