
Cross-linked polymers play an important role in structural applications as adhesives. In this article, we performed an experimental study to understand the effects of high temperature i.e. thermo-oxidative aging on the mechanical behavior of polymers. Subsequently, the constitutive behavior, i.e. stress-strain relation of these adhesives before and after the accelerated aging tests were studied on samples aged at different temperature and different time durations at zero humidity. The aging conditions and periods selected for the tests have been specifically designed to simulate the effects of aging under the working conditions that the materials will be subjected to in their standard applications. The focus of this study is on the investigation of the effects of aging on the polymeric adhesives used in automotive applications. Consequently, four different polymeric adhesives (one silicone-based, two polyurethane-based, and one acrylic type), which are being used extensively in these applications, have been chosen. The quasi-static tensile loading was used on these four adhesives and the changes in the constitutive behavior were measured. The failure tensile tests as well as the cyclic tensile tests were performed in our lab using a Test-Resources tensile testing machine. The temperatures that were used in this work are 60, 80 and 95°C for varying aging periods of 24hrs, 240hrs, and 720hrs. Then, all the data was collected and consequently analyzed, and the resulting behavior was compared to that of the unaged material, showing varying results depending on the material, temperature, and aging period. Different behaviors have been observed after aging. The polymers’ behavior was expanding from no effect to significant damage caused by aging conditions. This work provides the core understanding required for modeling the material behavior during aging and lays down the groundwork for further data-infused model-free approaches.

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