
The pre-adolescent age is basic in the beginning of the development of body kinematics. During this age the body structure needs to continuously search for stabilization due to the modification in body segment lengths. This behavior can evolve into incorrect postural attitudes that, if not properly treated, can lead to behaviors that are difficult to recover with advancing age. These incorrect attitudes require an accurate and early diagnosis that can be put in place by expert doctors and clinicians.

As well known, sporting activity in this age can help the development of proprioceptive apparatus and the musculoskeletal one. Volleyball is considered a complete sport thanks to the wide range of actions necessary for a match. Following this evaluation, it was decided to carry out a monitoring study of young volleyball players in what is one of the capitals of Italian volleyball, i.e. Modena.

To achieve this objective, in this work, 97 female volleyball players have been analyzed during their adolescent and pre-adolescent age. The study has the objective to collect data and design an exercise routine for the training to prevent postural problems. Finally, the data have been analyzed and the most representative ones have been reported in this paper.

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