Peridynamics formulation provides a strong tool for modeling of crack propagation. Although its ability to handle crack propagation is impressive it suffers from the drawback of high computational cost. In order to reduce the computational cost, peridynamics can be coupled with the finite element method. In this approach, peridynamics is used in critical areas where crack growth can happen and finite element formulation is used everywhere else. We use an Arlequin based coupling method to couple both peridynamics and finite element domain and implement the coupling approach in an existing finite element package. Initially, the user meshes the whole domain using finite elements. The software converts finite element mesh in the critical areas into peridynamics points. The proposed approach automatically creates a seamless coupling between the two regions. An example of a bar hitting a fixed plate is solved and compared with pure finite element results to prove the robustness of the method. Also, a problem of crack propagation under mixed mode loading is solved.