A novel, monolithic flexible translational dwell mechanism that is driven by a DC motor is designed in this study. Mechanism consists of an initially straight, large deflecting pinned-pinned buckling beam as a coupler, semi-circular compliant arc as a follower, rigid crank and a slider. An approximate dwell motion is created since the slider doesn’t move until the critical buckling load of the flexible coupler is achieved and then snaps to its maximum displacement by pushing the follower arc beam. As the maximum bending on the arc is reached, slider moves back to its initial as the crank follows a full rotation. Dynamical lumped model of the mechanism is obtained by integrating first and second kind of elliptic integral solution of pinned-pinned beam with polynomial formulation method. Optimal dimensions and geometric positions are explored using commercially available FEA program (ADAMs). Mechanism is built by 3D printing the entire mechanism as a single piece using polyethylene terephthalate glycol (PETG). Mathematical model of the mechanism is validated through experimental setup and ADAMs simulations.