
For active magnetic bearing (AMB) systems with rotors having significant polar to transverse moments of inertia ratio, the influence of gyroscopic effects needs to be considered in controller design procedures to prevent excessive vibrations and potential instability during operation. This consideration leads to conservative controllers due to large uncertainties caused by the rotational speed range of the rotor, or gain-scheduled controllers that require larger computational power, both of which are not desirable. A cross-feedback control has been applied in the literature to compensate for the gyroscopic effects of AMB systems with rigid rotors. However, the method is not applicable to AMB systems with flexible rotors due to lack of full-state sensory information and under actuation. This paper proposes a novel modal state feedback control as an addon controller for AMB systems with flexible rotors to compensate for the gyroscopic effects of selected modes. The aim of the add-on controller is to alter the open loop AMB system such that the open loop dynamics presents reduced gyroscopic effects of the selected modes from a controller point of view, reducing the uncertainties in the model for robust controller design. The proposed approach is demonstrated on an AMB rotor test rig with a rotor configuration featuring noticeable gyroscopic effects. The comparison of the frequency response data of the open loop AMB system with and without the proposed add-on controller shows the feasibility of the approach.

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