Selective Laser Melting (SLM) and Electron Beam Additive Manufacturing (EBAM) are two of the most promising additive manufacturing technologies that can make full density metallic components using layer-by-layer fabrication methods. In this study, three-dimensional computational fluid dynamics models with Ti-6Al-4V powder were developed to conduct numerical simulations of both the SLM and EBAM processes. A moving conical volumetric heat source with Gaussian distribution and temperature-dependent thermal properties were incorporated in the thermal modeling of both processes. The melt-pool geometry and its thermal behavior were investigated numerically and results for temperature profile, cooling rate, variation in specific heat, density, thermal conductivity, and enthalpy were obtained with similar heat source specifications. Results obtained from the two models at the same maximum temperature of the melt pool were then compared to describe their deterministic features to be considered for industrial applications. Validation of the modeling was performed by comparing the EBAM simulation results with the EBAM experimental results for melt pool geometry.

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