This paper proposes a path-planning control scheme for a mobile robot navigating through multiple obstacles. The proposed control consists of a trajectory generation scheme and a motion control scheme. The trajectory generation scheme computes the translational and rotational reference velocities in real time that drive the robot to a given goal position while avoiding multiple obstacles. The trajectory generation scheme is insensitive to high-frequency measurement noises. The motion control scheme computes the driving force and rotational torque required for the robot to track the reference velocities. The nonholonomic constraints of the mobile robot are used in the design of the kinematic trajectory generation scheme, where a repulsive potential function is used for obstacle avoidance. The dynamic model of the robot is used in the design of the motion control scheme. In the control design, the Lyapunov stability theorem is used as a mathematical design tool. Under certain conditions, the proposed control guarantees asymptotic stability while keeping all internal signals bounded. The effectiveness of the proposed control method has been shown with realistic computer simulations.

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