Acoustic metamaterials have received much attention recently. In the past decades, countless structures have been studied for their novel physical phenomenon or potential applications. The goals of many of the works were to explore ways to enlarge the band gap, lower the band gap frequency, and/or generate greater attenuation of vibration. However, most of the work was limited to simulation, with experimental studies rarer. In this work, we would like to experimentally present the transmission spectrum of an acoustic metamaterial with a proposed structure called the coated double hybrid lattice (CDHL) [1]. The CDHL has both crystalline structure and local resonators, which provide high-frequency and low-frequency band gaps, respectively. A structure was fabricated and tested to experimentally determine the transmission spectrum. Both, a higher frequency band gap and a lower frequency band gap, were obtained. Vibration is clearly attenuated in the frequency range of 70–90 kHz. This is due to the Bragg scattering effect. At the same time, around the frequency of 4.8kHz, another band gap is observed which is attributed to local resonance. It turns out that our experimental results coincide with our previous simulation quite well.

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