In 21st century, to cope up with exponential technological development, use of eco-friendly conventional energy system is a critical issue. Saving of energy is nothing but production of energy. Conventional fuel used in stationary power plant an IC engine is bulk in quantity, which will not be last longer and will exhaust very soon. Stationary power plants and Automobile propelled by I.C. engines have a problem of pollutant emission in environment which mainly depends on combustion process occurs in power plant and I.C. engines. Incomplete combustion of hydro-carbon fuel/s produce very large amount of harmful emission gases resulting into smog in cities & reduces performance of the system. These systems, equipped with Internal Combustion or External combustion produces large amount of exhaust gases CO, HC and NOx like monoxides etc. Since hazardous emissions which are harmful to human life and ecosystem resulting in many types of diseases of human especially in urban areas where automobile vehicle equipped with IC engine density is very high. These emissions have effect on result in environmental cycles also. In today’s globalised world, many attempts are made to reduce intensity of hazardous emissions of an IC engine through pre processing of fuels and post processing combustion exhaust gases in IC engine by many means like MPFI, PCV, EGR, catalytic converter, supercharger, turbocharger, etc. In order to handle, these issues, additional attempt is made. This attempt uses Air conditioner/Energizer for Pre-processing air and unit developed called as Magnetic air Conditioner (MAC).

A permanent magnet, magnetic air conditioner (MAC) is mounted in path of air lines. Mounting MAC in air line enhances quality of air and air molecules properties like it aligns and orientations, especially in an oxygen molecule. Better atomization of an oxygen molecule which further enters into combustion chambers of SI engine along with air. In a conventional four stroke spark Ignited engine, oxygen molecules reacts with hydro -carbon, which assist for complete combustion of hydro-carbon. Use of such Magnetic air conditioners improves performance of SI engine. The specific fuel consumption also decreases, resulting in to decrease in BSFC with increase in load. Use of MAC in engine also reduces emissions like CO, HC, ultimately resulting into reduction in smog in urban areas. The present article describes the mechanism of MAC, objectives and its effect on SI engine, such as enhanced performance parameter, various efficiencies like mechanical, brake thermal, volumetric saving in fuel, and reduced emission. One case study is presented in which ferrite magnets are used as MAC which improves performance and reduces emissions.

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