Past studies have shown that vapor conditioning to 100% Relative Humidity (RH) reduces the fatigue life of viscoelastic materials such as asphalt binder. However, it is not known how partial vapor conditions such as RH 25%, 49%, and 71% affect asphalt binder’s fatigue behavior. In addition, it is unknown which viscoelastic material parameter (i.e. viscus or elastic parameter) is responsible for damage in asphalt binder or Asphalt Concrete (AC) in general and what steps can be taken to reduce fatigue damage. In this study, films of asphalt binders were prepared and partially vapor-conditioned in enclosed chambers containing potassium acetate (25% RH), potassium carbonate (49% RH), and sodium chloride solutions (71% RH). Creep nanoindentation tests were performed on the vapor-conditioned asphalt film samples. The nano-creep test data are fitted using Burgers models. The Burgers model shows that elasticity increases and viscosity decreases as RH% increases. To this end, a Finite Element Method (FEM) model is developed in ABAQUS to examine the fatigue performance of the asphalt binder at 49% vapor-conditioned only. Using the spring and dashpot elements of Burgers model as FEM inputs, simulations are run. Results indicate that an increase in binder viscosity would reduce permanent deformation in the viscoelastic material.
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ASME 2015 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition
November 13–19, 2015
Houston, Texas, USA
Conference Sponsors:
Finite Element and Mechanical Modeling of Fatigue Behavior of Partial Vapor-Conditioned Viscoelastic Material
Mohammad Hossain,
Mohammad Hossain
Bradley University, Peoria, IL
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A. S. M. Atiqur Rahim Khan,
A. S. M. Atiqur Rahim Khan
Bradley University, Peoria, IL
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Hasan Faisal,
Hasan Faisal
University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM
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Rafiqul Tarefder
Rafiqul Tarefder
University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM
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Mohammad Hossain
Bradley University, Peoria, IL
A. S. M. Atiqur Rahim Khan
Bradley University, Peoria, IL
Hasan Faisal
University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM
Rafiqul Tarefder
University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM
Paper No:
IMECE2015-51147, V010T13A010; 10 pages
Published Online:
March 7, 2016
Hossain, M, Rahim Khan, ASMA, Faisal, H, & Tarefder, R. "Finite Element and Mechanical Modeling of Fatigue Behavior of Partial Vapor-Conditioned Viscoelastic Material." Proceedings of the ASME 2015 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. Volume 10: Micro- and Nano-Systems Engineering and Packaging. Houston, Texas, USA. November 13–19, 2015. V010T13A010. ASME.
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