The Manufacturing Automation course in a standard engineering education prepares students for the most contemporary production and technology challenges. This paper describes Rapid Prototyping and Modeling done as subtractive and additive manufacturing operations in the scope of the UConn Engineering program, as well as its integration into the Manufacturing Automation course. It is a companion paper with IMECE 2014-38355 [1] that reports how students of Manufacturing Automation are exposed to rapid prototyping. This is done in the UConn School of Engineering Machine Shop, Mechanical Engineering Machine Shop and Laboratory of the desk top modelers. Some experience students gain also in MEM Prototyping Laboratory and during class trips to Pratt & Whitney/ UConn Additive Manufacturing Research Laboratory and to CNC Software Inc Experimental Testing Shop. One of the objectives of the course is to introduce students to the processes of advanced Subtractive and Additive Manufacturing (SM and AM). The CAD/CAM cutting software such as CAMM-3 Micromodeler, G-code and Mastercam were used successfully in those operations. The elements of CAD/CAM software were integrated in the model cutting exercises. Full automation of integrated design and manufacturing data exchange was attempted but was found still not possible to accomplish. However the use of automation software in a sequence, tin tandem with data export and import, marks a significant step forward towards integrated manufacturing automation. The research to accomplish the next level of automation will be continued and the results will be applied to reinforce the teaching and practice of Manufacturing Automation. Significant role in helping students to understand the methods of subtractive and additive manufacturing has cooperation with two Connecticut companies that achieved outstanding results in modeling and prototyping. These are Pratt & Whitney in East Hartford and CNC Software Inc in Tolland, Connecticut. The class visits to their facilities and experience with their equipment played a significant role in understanding of the subtractive and additive machining processes. Efforts to introduce students to the concepts of subtractive and additive machining process are described. Conclusions about the teaching methods of product machining concepts and lessons learned are pointed out.

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