This research investigates the application of microwave nondestructive testing (NDT) to oil and gas pipe wall reductions (PWR) in manufacturing that are less than full-circumferential in extent. Pipes were modeled using Computer Simulation Technology (CST) simulation software, CST Microwave Studio holding pipe length, wall thickness, depth of PWR and configuration constant. The study looks at 32 models in order to determine sweeping frequency limitations for full-circumferential, half-circumferential, three-quarter-circumferential and quarter-circumferential extents of PWR with 8 widths ranging from 6.35mm to 50.8mm. The limitations were determined to be between the extremes. The 6.35mm width did not cause a resonance peak even with a full-circumferential PWR. The 50.8mm width produced a detectible resonance peak, but it is within the range established by the six middle widths.

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