Pressure surges and fluid transients, such as steam and water hammer, are events that can occur unexpectedly in operating power plants causing significant damages. When these transients occur the power plant can be out of service for long time, until the root cause is found and the appropriate solution is implemented. In searching for root cause of transients, engineers must investigate in depth the fluid conditions in the pipe line and the mechanism that initiated the transients. The steam hammer normally occurs when one or more valves suddenly close or open. In a power plant, the steam hammer could be an inevitable phenomenon during turbine trip, since valves (e.g., main steam valves) must be closed very quickly to protect the turbine from further damage. When a valve suddenly stops at a very short time, the flow pressure builds up at the valve, starting to create pressure waves along the pipe runs which travel between elbows. Furthermore, these pressure waves may cause large dynamic response on the pipeline and large loads on the pipe restraints. The response and vibrations on the pipeline depend on the pressure waves amplitudes, frequencies, the natural frequencies and the dynamic characteristics of the pipeline itself. The piping flexibility or rigidity of the pipe line, determine how the pipes will respond to these waves and the magnitude of loads on the pipe supports. Consequently, the design of the piping system must consider the pipeline response to the steam hammer loads. In this paper, a design and analysis method is proposed to analyze the steam hammer in the critical hot lines due to the turbine trip using both PIPENET transient module and CAESAR II programs. The method offered in this paper aims to assist the design engineer in the power plant industry to perform dynamic analysis of the piping system considering the dynamic response of the system using the PIPENET and CAESAR II programs. Furthermore, the dynamic approach is validated with a static method by considering the appropriate dynamic load and transmissibility factors. A case study is analyzed for a typical hot reheat line in a power plant and the results of the transient analysis are validated using the theoretical static approach.
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ASME 2014 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition
November 14–20, 2014
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Conference Sponsors:
Time History Steam Hammer Analysis for Critical Hot Lines in Thermal Power Plants
Ahmed H. Bayoumy,
Ahmed H. Bayoumy
Power Generation and Engineering Services Company, New Cairo, Cairo, Egypt
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Anestis Papadopoulos
Anestis Papadopoulos
Power Generation and Engineering Services Company, New Cairo, Cairo, Egypt
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Ahmed H. Bayoumy
Power Generation and Engineering Services Company, New Cairo, Cairo, Egypt
Anestis Papadopoulos
Power Generation and Engineering Services Company, New Cairo, Cairo, Egypt
Paper No:
IMECE2014-38076, V04AT04A070; 11 pages
Published Online:
March 13, 2015
Bayoumy, AH, & Papadopoulos, A. "Time History Steam Hammer Analysis for Critical Hot Lines in Thermal Power Plants." Proceedings of the ASME 2014 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. Volume 4A: Dynamics, Vibration, and Control. Montreal, Quebec, Canada. November 14–20, 2014. V04AT04A070. ASME.
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