Monte Carlo simulation of photon transport is formulated to solve transient radiative transfer equation through thin multilayered scattering-absorbing media with inhomogeneous properties. Though thin layers might seem to be geometrically insignificant, contribution of their radiative properties is relevant in predicting the behavior of most bioengineering, biomedical and space applications. Most traditional Monte Carlo models often fail to capture the presence of thin layers and account for its radiative properties. If the Monte Carlo model is implemented without unique features then the results of the simulation would show incorrect effect of thin layers since the path length of most photons would be significantly larger than the layer thickness and the evaluated photon travel path length would simply not feel the existence of the layer. Numerical and algorithmic features for computation of radiation transport through thin scattering and absorbing layers using the traditional Monte Carlo and an enhanced Monte Carlo model with features specifically developed for thin layers is presented and implemented for the analysis of backscattered radiation. It is observed that while Monte Carlo without special features defines the radiative effect of the layers, the refined technique indicates that layers have a great impact on the backscattered light, especially if the layer properties are distinctly different from those of the contiguous layers. The results have significant implications in the study of diagnostic applications of laser in biomedical applications since backscattered light is one of the non-invasive techniques available for detection of diseases and complements other known methods. Analyses of backscattered signals have also found use in the noninvasive methods of medical use especially in skin diagnostics.

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