Since the ASYST data acquisition and analysis software was discontinued and the old versions of ASYST do not support new computer operating systems and new data acquisition boards, old computer data acquisition (CDAQ) system is being replaced with a new data acquisition system. The new microcomputer based data acquisition system consists of an i-3 microcomputer with 3.0 GHz CPU and Windows-7 operating system, a Data Translation (DT) DT-304, 12-bit, 400 MHz data acquisition board with STP-300 screw terminal, Data Translation Measure Foundry (DT-MF) software and DT-LV link software [2], a National Instruments (NI) PCI-6250, M-series, low level, 16-bit, 1.25 MS/s board with 4-module SCC-68 I/O Connector Block, four thermocouple-input plug-in modules and NI LabVIEW (NI-LV) software [4]. Data Translation’s DT-LV software links DT boards with NI-LV software. Most ASYST-based data acquisition and analysis application programs used in Mechanical Engineering Technology (MET) courses have been converted to NI-LV and DT-MF application programs.

Purpose of this paper is to describe how our old data acquisition application programs were converted to new data acquisition application programs so that they may be used with our new data acquisition system. Descriptions of the experiments, equipment used, and experiences gained with laboratory experiments are given elsewhere [8–13]. Specifically: Reference [8] covers upgrades made to the Materials Testing Laboratory, including Tinius-Olsen [14] tensile testing machine; reference [9] covers design and development of data acquisition programs for the materials testing, including Tensile Testing of Materials experiment; references [11] and [12] cover Heating Ventilating and Air Conditioning (HVAC) experiments and use of DAQ system in these experiments; reference [13] cover all uses of DAQ system in MET at University of Maryland Eastern Shore (UMES).

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