Safer, controlled and efficient braking is the primary objective of Anti-lock Braking System wherein an efficient and robust braking system significantly enhances the vehicle performance during both straight line motion and cornering thus resulting in drastic reduction of stopping time and distance especially for a race car in long run. Hence clocking better lap times and a considerable reduction in wear of tires are an obvious outcome apart from the enhanced vehicle stability.
This work on Anti-lock Braking System (ABS) prediction and control algorithm deals with technical paradigm for estimation of vehicle velocity using wheel angular velocity from wheel rpm sensors as the sole input and methodology to control the braking torque on each wheel so as to prevent loss of traction. The proposed algorithm is modeled using advanced simulating tools involving theoretical estimation of braking torque on each wheel. This is supposed to reduce tire skid with controlled wheel slip estimated using the tire data and the car vehicle dynamics with formula student vehicle as the subject. The work and hence the control algorithm can potentially be extended into a better traction control strategy with acceleration and yaw inputs from accelerometers and yaw sensors.