The tilted rig experiment is a derivative of the rocket rig experiment designed to study mixing of fluids by the Rayleigh–Taylor instability. In this experiment, a tank containing two fluids of different densities is accelerated downwards between two parallel guide rods by a rocket motor. The rocket rig is inclined by a few degrees off the vertical to force a two-dimensional Rayleigh–Taylor instability. Thus, the tilted rig experiment can help calibrate two-dimensional mixing models. Simulations of the tilted rig experiments using two of Los Alamos National Laboratory’s hydrocodes are reported. Both codes, xRAGE and FLAG, are multidimensional, multimaterial, massively parallel, hydrodynamics codes that solve the Euler equations. xRAGE operates in an Eulerian framework, while FLAG operates in an Arbitrary Lagrangian–Eulerian (ALE) framework, with a Lagrange step followed by mesh relaxation and remapping. Direct comparisons between simulations and experimental results are reported, as well as report the behavior of the variable-density turbulence models implemented in the codes.

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