This research employed the finite element analysis (FEA) method to predict the dynamic response of a mini cantilever beam partially submerged in viscous media. First, the FEA method was validated by comparing the numerical results with corresponding experiments. Then, extensive numerical analyses were performed to investigate the variation of modal response in terms of resonant frequency and Q-factor with changing fluid viscosity and density. The resonant frequency of the beam was found to be reduced with increasing the fluid viscosity and density. The Q-factor was also reduced with increasing fluid viscosity. However, it did not changed significantly by changing fluid density. Numerical analyses were also repeated with varying the depth of beam (one-third, two-third and full) submerged in viscous media. The beam was found to be the most sensitive to respond in resonant frequency and Q-factor when submerged by one-third in viscous media. Results obtained from this numerical study can be used to design the optimized MEMS based test set up for measuring the rheological properties of viscous fluid.

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