Mini- and micro-scale heat exchangers provide the means for large heat transfer coefficients with single phase flow due to the inverse proportionality of Nusselt number with respect to the hydraulic diameter. For very high heat flux situations, single phase forced convection in micro-channels may not be sufficient and hence convective flow boiling in small scale heat exchangers has gained wider scrutiny due to the much higher achievable heat transfer coefficients due to latent heat of vaporization and convective boiling. The purpose of this investigation is to explore a practical and accurate modeling approach for simulating multiphase flow and heat transfer in stacked mini- and micro-channel heat exchangers. The work is specifically aimed at providing the framework for the optimization of such devices. The model algorithm is described in detail and the effects of channel hydraulic diameter ranging from 150–300 μm and number of stacked layers on the thermal and hydrodynamic performance of the heat sinks are explored. The results from the two parameter study are used to suggest a design path for creating an optimal two-phase stacked microchannel heat exchanger.
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ASME 2011 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition
November 11–17, 2011
Denver, Colorado, USA
Conference Sponsors:
Simulation of Two-Phase Flow and Heat Transfer for Practical Design of Mini- and Micro-Channel Heat Exchangers
Devin Pellicone,
Devin Pellicone
Villanova University, Villanova, PA
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Alfonso Ortega,
Alfonso Ortega
Villanova University, Villanova, PA
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Marcelo del Valle,
Marcelo del Valle
Villanova University, Villanova, PA
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Steven Schon
Steven Schon
QuantaCool Corp., Glen Mills, PA
Search for other works by this author on:
Devin Pellicone
Villanova University, Villanova, PA
Alfonso Ortega
Villanova University, Villanova, PA
Marcelo del Valle
Villanova University, Villanova, PA
Steven Schon
QuantaCool Corp., Glen Mills, PA
Paper No:
IMECE2011-63637, pp. 517-525; 9 pages
Published Online:
August 1, 2012
Pellicone, D, Ortega, A, del Valle, M, & Schon, S. "Simulation of Two-Phase Flow and Heat Transfer for Practical Design of Mini- and Micro-Channel Heat Exchangers." Proceedings of the ASME 2011 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. Volume 6: Fluids and Thermal Systems; Advances for Process Industries, Parts A and B. Denver, Colorado, USA. November 11–17, 2011. pp. 517-525. ASME.
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