Most of the hydraulically operated systems have potential to improve the energy efficiency of the system by using energy regeneration. The recovered energy can be stored in various ways. However, previous studies made by the authors have shown that in hydraulically operated regenerative systems a pressure accumulator seems to be potential option as energy storage. Hydraulic accumulator has also some disadvantages, e.g., energy losses in form of heat transfer. The efficiency can be improved by using different heat recovery methods. To compare these methods numerically, a reliable model of an accumulator is needed. The primary aim of this study is to build a multidisciplinary model of a basic piston type hydraulic accumulator and to validate the model with experimental measurements. The second aim is to experimentally test the effects of a honeycomb heat regenerator by efficiency point of view. The results manifest that multidisciplinary modeling is useful and valid tool for modeling the piston type hydraulic accumulator. The results also indicate that the heat regenerator attached inside the accumulator’s gas volume improves energy efficiency significantly.

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