This paper presents experimental investigations on turbulent gas flow characteristics of nitrogen gas through a micro-channel. The micro-channels were etched into silicon wafers, capped with glass, and their hydraulic diameter is 147.76 micro meters. The micro-channel was designed with a main flow channel and seven side channels, which lead to the pressure transducers. The stagnation pressure was designated in such a way that the flow is in turbulent flow regime. The outlet of the channel faced to the atmosphere. The pressures of the main channel at seven locations were measured by gauge pressure transducers to determine local values of Mach number. And the pressure differences of each pressure ports were measured by differential pressure transducers to obtain the pressure losses precisely. The pressure distribution of turbulent gas flow through a micro-channel falls steeply and Mach number increases near the outlet with increasing the inlet pressure due to flow acceleration. Both Darcy friction factor and Fanning friction factor were obtained for turbulent flow. The result shows that the obtained both friction factors were evaluated as a function of Reynolds number on the Moody chart. The values of Darcy friction factors differ from Blasius correlation for turbulent flow regime due to the compressibility effects, however the values of Fanning friction factors coincide with Blasius correlation.

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