Recent small electronic equipments with various functions require extreme increase of heat transfer rate per unit surface. Current small electronic equipments’ cooling abilities have limitation with its heat transfer rate. Boiling is one of the solutions for this problem since it can be applied by using microchannel and flow boiling. Also, it has much higher heat transfer coefficient than large-scale cooling system. However, boiling is not easily initiated and surface temperature often reaches high temperature even without boiling which could burn the electronic equipment. To enhance boiling, one of the best methods is coating nanoporous material on the surface. Synthesis characteristics of nanoporous material depend on both the temperature and concentration condition. Therefore, the accurate condition for the synthesis process is required but, the current synthesis method cannot control both temperature and concentration also wastes both time and resources. This research suggests a way of synthesizing nanoporous material using microchannel which can obtain accurate control of variables and save the resources. Microchannel reactor for nanoporous material synthesis is designed with channel on the SiO2 substrate. Cu-BTC solution passes through the microchannel and nanoporous material is coated on SiO2 substrate. Through time and temperature variable experiment, the procedure of growth of nanoporous material is observed within time change and transformation of crystalline structure of nanoporous material is obtained by temperature change. Most importantly, this method provides much higher synthesis rate and uniformity than the current synthesis method. The experiment on the effect of width of microchannel on synthesis rate was also performed. This has important meaning since it can be applied to the other materials which can be synthesized in microchannel and could increase their synthesis rate too. Synthesis in microchannel provides high reproducibility and helps to accomplish accurate analysis. Moreover, synthesis of nanoporous material in the microchannel is easier to fabricate and easier to be applied in the cooling system using the flow boiling. Therefore, synthesis in microchannel can make a significant improvement in cooling system of small equipments, and it contributes to miniaturization of electronic equipments.

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