The explosively loaded right-circular tube geometry is used as the basis for dynamic fracture and fragmentation modeling. Details of the cylinder configuration are investigated to prescribe controlled loading conditions of uniaxial stress and plane strain. Earlier works by Goto et al [1] had used thin-walled tubes to provide plane strain loading and shorter “rings” to establish uniaxial stress conditions. This paper extends on that work to look at alternative cylinder dimensions and metals of interest. A tungsten alloy, Aero-224, and a high strength steel, Eglin Steel (ES-1), are the subject metals. Transient continuum-mechanics simulations evaluated whether the stress triaxiality conditions were being met as design parameters of cylinder material, cylinder wall-thickness, cylinder length, and initiation configuration were varied. Design analysis shows that the thin cylinders of ES-1 steel do establish the desired plane strain conditions as it expands to failure. Ultra-high speed photography experiments verify the time of fracture and correlate casewall expansion and velocity measurements. Synchronization of the code and diagnostics measurements is presented as a valuable analysis method. On the other hand, rings (i.e. uniaxial stress) of the Aero-224 tungsten alloy were failing just short of uniaxial stress approximating conditions. Analysis of the Aero-224 rings indicated it must be capable of achieving at least a 25% strain to failure in order to have the triaxiality condition satisfied. Strain to failure measurements directly from recovered fragments were less than 14%. Nevertheless, a Weibull distribution was fit to the empirical data set and used to drive a statistically compensated fracture model. Results and discussion of the failure strain distribution and the ability for continuum codes to adequately conduct such simulations are presented.

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