Thermodynamic simulation programs are widely used for designing complex thermal systems but most of them don’t incorporate second law optimization techniques. In this study, an efficient optimization strategy is presented, which integrates a well-known Evolutionary Algorithms optimization technique with a professional power plant and cogeneration simulator, so as perform exergoeconomic optimization of complex thermal systems and generating combined pinch and exergy representations. This paper deals with the application of an evolutionary algorithm to multi-objective thermoeconomic optimization of coupling desalination plant with pressurized water reactor. The thermodynamic simulation of this plant has been performed in THERMOFLEX simulator. An Excel Add-in called THERMOFLEX Link has been developed to calculate the exergy of each stream from a THERMOFLEX simulation results. In addition, computer code has been developed for thermoeconomic and improved combined pinch-exergy analysis in MATLAB environment. Both design configuration and the process variables are optimized simultaneously. The optimization algorithm can choose among several design options included in a superstructure of the feed water heaters and MSF desalination in dual purpose plant. For the assumptions and simplifications made in this study, a 3000 MWth PWR power plant similar to Bushehr power plant has been considered.

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