This is a survey on 3-D dynamic and quasi-static human knee joint modeling. Anatomical surface representation, contact modeling, ligament structure, and solution algorithm are reviewed. Understanding knee joint biomechanics is important for total knee replacement and rehabilitation exercise design, ligament reconstruction, and cartilage damage. Knee models were proposed mostly in the last two decades. They aimed normal activities and rehabilitation exercises, and sought muscle, ligament, and joint contact forces. Consisting of two joints, tibio-femoral (TF) and patello-femoral (PF), the human knee 3-D models were PF, TF [1–3], and both TF and PF [4–7]. Models were static, quasi-static, and dynamic, including the entire, partial, or none of the ligament structure. Contact models of the knee were rigid or deformable. Both natural knees and replacement models were reported. Different groups of muscles were considered.
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ASME 2008 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition
October 31–November 6, 2008
Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Conference Sponsors:
3-D Knee Biomechanics
Dumitru I. Caruntu
Dumitru I. Caruntu
University of Texas - Pan American, Edinburg, TX
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Dumitru I. Caruntu
University of Texas - Pan American, Edinburg, TX
Paper No:
IMECE2008-67633, pp. 359-360; 2 pages
Published Online:
August 26, 2009
Caruntu, DI. "3-D Knee Biomechanics." Proceedings of the ASME 2008 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. Volume 2: Biomedical and Biotechnology Engineering. Boston, Massachusetts, USA. October 31–November 6, 2008. pp. 359-360. ASME.
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