Temperature distribution and consequent rapid cooling determine the microstructure and final physical properties of a part fabricated using laser solid freeform fabrication (LSFF). As well, in this technique, thermal stresses are the main cause of any possible delamination and crack formation across deposited layers. In this paper, the temperature distribution and the stress field induced during the LSFF process are studied throughout the fabrication of a thin wall up to four layers. The thin wall is fabricated of stainless steel AISI 304L using a 1 kW Nd:YAG pulsed laser. Variations of the microstructure and geometry of the wall are studied. A 3D dynamic numerical model of the multilayer LSFF process is used to interpret the experimental results in terms of the temperature distribution, stress field and microstructure. The experimental results show that the stress concentrations at the end points of the wall, which are due to the higher temperature gradient at these regions, are the locations for possible delaminations and crack formations. Different types of microstructures are observed at the various locations within the same layer due to the different cooling rate. While numerical results confirm the experimental findings, they also show that it is possible to reduce the maximum stress by preheating the substrate.

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