This study refers to the investigation on the critical operating condition occurring on high productivity milling machines, known as chatter. This phenomenon is generated by a self-excited vibration, associated with a loss of stability of the system, causing reduced productivity, poor surface finish and noise. This study consists of the theoretical and experimental modeling of machining chatter conditions, in order to develop a real-time monitoring system able to diagnose the occurrence of chatter in advance and to dynamically modify the cutting parameters for process optimization. A prototype NC 3-axis milling machine was ad hoc realized to accomplish this task. The machine was instrumented by a dynamometer table, and a series of accelerometer sensors were mounted in the proximity of the tool spindle and the workpiece. An analytical model was developed, taking into account the periodic cutting force arising during interrupted cutting operation in milling. The system dynamical behavior was described by means of a set of delay differential equations with periodic coefficients. The stability of this system was analyzed by the semi discretization approach based on the Floquet theory. Lobe stability charts were evaluated and associated with frequency diagrams. Two chatter types were analytically and experimentally detected: period-doubling bifurcations and secondary Hopf bifurcations. Measurement data were acquired and analyzed in the time and frequency domain. Several tests were conducted in a wide range of operating conditions, such as radial immersion, depth of cut and spindle speeds and using different tools. Results are reported showing agreement between the numerical analysis and the related experimental tests.

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