Each year of the Biomedical Engineering program at the University of Harford includes courses that include student based research projects. The Freshman course “Introduction to Engineering” course includes projects requiring the designing, building and testing of devices (including statistical analysis and in-class presentations). During the Sophomore year, “Biomedical Materials” includes multiple journal-style laboratory reports. During the Junior year, “Biomechanics” includes student research projects (including such issues as reproducibility and accounting for human variances), and “Biofluids” includes a research paper. The senior year course, “Bioinstrumentation”, includes projects monitoring physiological parameters. The senior year also includes two sets of research and design-based courses: two courses in senior design pursuing research for outside principals, and an off-campus research course where the student performs as the engineer on a research project. The former course culminates in a formal oral and written presentation. The latter course allows students to work at local, regional, and national medical facilities, and to participate in clinically useful research. Our philosophy for these courses has been both to involve the student in the requirements and needs of pursuing research, and to prepare them for the expectations of those who will be reviewing their efforts after they graduate.

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