This paper presents a case study from the Graduates Linked with Undergraduates in Engineering (GLUE) Program in the College of Engineering at The University of Texas at Austin. This student mentoring program, offered in the spring semester every year, pairs undergraduate students (mentees) with graduate researchers (mentors) to foster undergraduate research. The benefits from the GLUE program are two-fold. While the undergraduate mentees get a feel for research, the participating graduate students can enhance their research mentoring skills. In this article we present a GLUE case study in the area of Robotics. The mentee in this case was a sophomore in Mechanical Engineering and the mentor (the first author) was a senior doctoral student in Mechanical Engineering. The project involved the design and development of a Dual Input Single Output (DISO) epicyclic gear train to enhance the performance of a robot joint. The system was completely designed and tested using MSC.ADAMS. While describing the project, the paper will demonstrate the improvement in research skills of the mentee using three different sets of criteria from the literature.

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