NASA’s Glenn Research Center has been selected to lead development of NASA’s Evolutionary Xenon Thruster (NEXT) system. The central feature of the NEXT system is an electric propulsion thruster (EPT) that inherits the knowledge gained through the NSTAR thruster that successfully propelled Deep Space 1 to asteroid Braille and comet Borrelly, while significantly increasing the thruster power level and making improvements in performance parameters associated with NSTAR. The EPT concept under development has a 40 cm beam diameter, twice the effective area of the Deep-Space 1 thruster, while maintaining a relatively-small volume. It incorporates mechanical features and operating conditions to maximize the design heritage established by the flight NSTAR 30 cm engine, while incorporating new technology where warranted to extend the power and throughput capability. The NASA Hall thruster program currently supports a number of tasks related to high power thruster development for a number of customers including the Energetics Program (formerly called the Space-based Program), the Space Solar Power Program, and the In-space Propulsion Program. In program year 2002, two tasks were central to the NASA Hall thruster program: 1.) the development of a laboratory Hall thruster capable of providing high thrust at high power; 2.) investigations into operation of Hall thrusters at high specific impulse. In addition to these two primary thruster development activities, there are a number of other on-going activities supported by the NASA Hall thruster program. These additional activities are related to issues such as thruster lifetime and spacecraft integration.
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ASME 2002 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition
November 17–22, 2002
New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
Conference Sponsors:
- Fluids Engineering Division
Ion Engine and Hall Thruster Development at the NASA Glenn Research Center
Matthew T. Domonkos,
Matthew T. Domonkos
NASA John H. Glenn Research Center, Cleveland, OH
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Michael J. Patterson,
Michael J. Patterson
NASA John H. Glenn Research Center, Cleveland, OH
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Robert S. Jankovsky
Robert S. Jankovsky
NASA John H. Glenn Research Center, Cleveland, OH
Search for other works by this author on:
Matthew T. Domonkos
NASA John H. Glenn Research Center, Cleveland, OH
Michael J. Patterson
NASA John H. Glenn Research Center, Cleveland, OH
Robert S. Jankovsky
NASA John H. Glenn Research Center, Cleveland, OH
Paper No:
IMECE2002-39444, pp. 347-356; 10 pages
Published Online:
June 3, 2008
Domonkos, MT, Patterson, MJ, & Jankovsky, RS. "Ion Engine and Hall Thruster Development at the NASA Glenn Research Center." Proceedings of the ASME 2002 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. Fluids Engineering. New Orleans, Louisiana, USA. November 17–22, 2002. pp. 347-356. ASME.
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