To simulate the evolution process of interfacial debonding between particle and matrix, and to further estimate its effect on the overall elastic behavior of particle-reinforced composites, a two-level microstructural-effective damaged model is developed. The microstructural damage mechanism is governed by the interfacial debonding of reinforcement and matrix. The progressive damage process is represented by the debonding angles that are dependent on the external loads. For those debonded particles, the elastic equivalency is constructed in terms of the stiffness tensor. Namely, the isotropic yet debonded particles are replaced by the orthotropic perfect particles. The volume fraction evolution of debonded particles is characterized by the Weibull’s statistical approach. Mori-Tanaka’s method is utilized to determine the effective stiffness tensor of the resultant multi-phase composites. The proposed constitutive framework is developed under the general three-dimensional loading condition. Examples are conducted to demonstrate the capability of the proposed model.
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ASME 2002 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition
November 17–22, 2002
New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
Conference Sponsors:
- Materials Division
An Interfacial Debonding Model for Particle-Reinforced Composites
J. W. Ju
J. W. Ju
University of California at Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA
Search for other works by this author on:
H. T. Liu
University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA
L. Z. Sun
University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA
J. W. Ju
University of California at Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA
Paper No:
IMECE2002-33106, pp. 247-254; 8 pages
Published Online:
June 3, 2008
Liu, HT, Sun, LZ, & Ju, JW. "An Interfacial Debonding Model for Particle-Reinforced Composites." Proceedings of the ASME 2002 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. Materials: Processing, Characterization and Modeling of Novel Nano-Engineered and Surface Engineered Materials. New Orleans, Louisiana, USA. November 17–22, 2002. pp. 247-254. ASME.
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