
The dynamic effects of muscle strength, timing of muscle activations, and body geometry have been modeled for a wide variety of human activities. These types of models require the development of complex system equations that account for the effects of rigid-body dynamics, musculotendon actuators, passive and active resistance to motion, and other physiological structures. One way in which model refinement can be expedited is through the use of bond graph modeling techniques. While bond graph techniques have been used extensively in a broad variety of applications, they have been used only sparingly in the field of biomechanics, despite the potential suitability of a modular, multidomain approach to the modeling of musculoskeletal function. This modular approach to dynamic systems modeling is particularly useful in an educational setting, where it allows students to fully understand interactions among the components of complex multidomain systems. In the current paper, bond graph modules representing muscle function and rigid-body motions of underlying bone structures are introduced. These modules can be used in conjunction with control models of neuromuscular function for the simulation of overall dynamic motor performance.

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