
This study introduces a microfabricated chamber which allows individual cells to be maintained between two different flow paths while kinetic volume changes and membrane permeability are measured. For HBL-100 cells, the data yielded a water permeability (Lp) of 1.1 ±0.5 μm/(min-atm) (mean ± 1 standard deviation) (N = 5) during the uncoupled transport of water at 22°C. In the presence of 6M glycerol, the water permeability (Lp), permeability coefficient (Ps), and the reflection coefficient (σs) were determined to be 2.0± 0.63 μm/(min-atm), 2.7×10E-5 ±6.1×10E-6 cm-sec−1, and 0.76±.05 (N = 6). No previous values of these coefficients could be found for HBL-100 cells.

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