
This paper reports on the design procedure to produce radial compressors for high speed applications. These compressors are directly connected to a high speed electric motor. Speed control is used instead of IGV and diffuser vane control, and this sets some additional requirements e.g. for the shape of the compressor performance map. It is required that at the design pressure ratio the compressor has a wide operating range in mass flow, when optimal speed control is used. It is also required that the high efficiency range of the compressor is as wide as possible. One-dimensional computation giving the basic geometry and performance map of the compressor is done with a non-commercial program. Then a geometry generation 3D program is used to define the whole compressor wheel geometry. The wheel geometry data is used in the flow and structure analyses. The compressor flow is calculated with a three-dimensional CFD-program, which has specially been modified for centrifugal compressor flow. Particularly in the optimization process of the volute, also time-dependent computation of the complete compressor using the sliding mesh technique is used. The performance of the final compressor geometry is measured in the University test facility and the test results are used to develop the design process. Up to this date, 15 different high speed compressors have been aerodynamically designed and tested in this design loop. The typical pressure ratio of the compressors ranges from 1.6 to 2.5.

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