As part of a risk management campaign to enhance readiness and protect the capability of the force, the US Army leadership directed an Aviation Safety Investment Strategy Team (ASIST) to chart a path toward breakthrough gains in aviation safety. The ASIST Team was chartered to define measurable accident prevention goals and identify the most important Army-wide investments needed to achieve them. The means to achieve the Army goals will be the integration of accident prevention and risk management requirements into the Aviation planning, programming, and budgeting system. The team has completed an in-depth analysis of accident experience involving all force-modernized aircraft during the last 5 years. Currently, the team is prioritizing and validating requirements in various areas of doctrine, training, leader development, organization, materiel, and soldier performance.
Completing this work has required the team to develop analysis models and techniques significantly different than those previously employed in Army aviation. This paper will outline these methods and assess future requirements to shape safety analysis to support risk management decisions.