The Multi Stage Collector (MSC™) concept for ultra-fine particulate control not only retains the best advantages of current state-of-the-art technology but also makes significant improvements. The new MSC™ design provides a synergistic combination of both single- and two-stage electrostatic precipitation while incorporating an additional collector-stage by filtering the gas exiting the collector through a barrier collector-zone. This arrangement ensures that essentially all dust would be detained in this final stage. The MSC™ contains multiple narrow and wide zones formed by a plurality of parallel corrugated plates. Enclosed in the narrow zones are discharge electrodes. These electrodes provide a non-uniform electric field leading to corona discharge. The corona discharge causes particulate matter in the gas flow to become charged. Wide regions contain barrier filters thus creating the two-stage precipitator with relatively uniform electric field. In these regions, particles are collected on both plates and on the porous barrier elements, which also act as the final filtering stage. Results of the applications analyses and future development work are discussed. The gas flow analyses with an aid of the CFD model are presented below.
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International Joint Power Generation Conference collocated with TurboExpo 2003
June 16–19, 2003
Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Conference Sponsors:
- Power Division
Multi-Stage Collector Design and Applications
Henry V. Krigmont
Henry V. Krigmont
Allied Environmental Technologies, Inc., Huntington Beach, CA
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Henry V. Krigmont
Allied Environmental Technologies, Inc., Huntington Beach, CA
Paper No:
IJPGC2003-40021, pp. 655-663; 9 pages
Published Online:
December 17, 2008
Krigmont, HV. "Multi-Stage Collector Design and Applications." Proceedings of the International Joint Power Generation Conference collocated with TurboExpo 2003. 2003 International Joint Power Generation Conference. Atlanta, Georgia, USA. June 16–19, 2003. pp. 655-663. ASME.
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