Machine degradation has become a key issue with respect to the operational and maintenance costs associated with industrial and power generation facilities. Current online techniques for monitoring rotor integrity are largely based on lateral overall vibration levels that may provide only a very short notice of impending failure. As an alternative, shifts in rotor torsional natural frequencies could be used as early indicators. Torsional vibration spectra have been gathered on numerous horizontal hydro turbine generator shafts at two Southern Company owned hydro plants. The data was trended for approximately 2 years and changes were compared against findings from visual and nondestructive testing. It was determined that in the very early stages of failure the torsional frequency shifts are minute and may be masked by or be indistinguishable from other phenomena but are detectable. As the degradation progresses, the frequencies shifts may increase greatly with the crack size and are easily discerned. While the degree of early warning capability based on this technique will more than likely vary with each failure occurrence, it should generally outperform existing lateral vibration based techniques.
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International Joint Power Generation Conference collocated with TurboExpo 2003
June 16–19, 2003
Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Conference Sponsors:
- Power Division
Using Torsional Vibration Spectra to Monitor Machinery Rotor Integrity
Gyo¨rgy Sza´sz,
Gyo¨rgy Sza´sz
Southern Company Services, Birmingham, AL
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Edward J. Guindon
Edward J. Guindon
Southern Company Services, Birmingham, AL
Search for other works by this author on:
Gyo¨rgy Sza´sz
Southern Company Services, Birmingham, AL
Edward J. Guindon
Southern Company Services, Birmingham, AL
Paper No:
IJPGC2003-40162, pp. 329-334; 6 pages
Published Online:
December 17, 2008
Sza´sz, G, & Guindon, EJ. "Using Torsional Vibration Spectra to Monitor Machinery Rotor Integrity." Proceedings of the International Joint Power Generation Conference collocated with TurboExpo 2003. 2003 International Joint Power Generation Conference. Atlanta, Georgia, USA. June 16–19, 2003. pp. 329-334. ASME.
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