The fossil fuel depletion and the CO2 warming due to the combustion are becoming serious environmental issues. Therefore, alternative energy systems minimumizing fossil fuels dependence are now required to be developted. Hydrogen is a best candidate for alternative energy sources friendly to the environment, but the essential point is how we produce hydrogen, independently of fossil fuel with a minimum energy input. This work aims first at proposing an alternative hydrogen gasifier from acid water by immersing ionicity metals, and second at applying the gasifier to a hydrogen ultra micro gas turbine electric generator charger system to construct hydrogen self supply energy system. First, D2SO4 as acid aqueous solutions and (Zn+Cu) and Zn plates as ionicity metals electrodes are selected here for H2 gasifier. The hydrogen production rate is experimentally characterized by changing the pH and temperature of the solution and the metal surface area. The gasifier has a good performance of hydrogen production of about 18 l/min at 60°C per unit electrode area under the pH = ∼1.0. This flow rate increases almost linearly to the acid temperature. In addition, the zinc resolved into the acid water, ZnSO4 in the case of D2SO4 for example, is able to be easily recrystalized on the electrode by reasonable electricity input of ∼2.5V. Second, the produced hydrogen is applied to ultra micro turbo electric generator / charger as hydrogen self supply system. This smart system is well applicable to hydrogen electric car, because of an ideal power source having small size, lightweight, low vibration, early start, no NOX and CO2 emissions, very low fuel consumption, long trip, etc. In the experiment a car turbo charger is converted into a compressorturbine system, and a high revolution electricity generator is connected to the turbo system. A combustor is designed for very low hydrogen consumption by ultra lean burning which causes almost no NOX emission due to low temperature < 1000°C. The turbo system is tested, resulting in a high efficiency, in spite of its small size, enough to generate electricity for charging a battery of electric car. By using these two elements, we aim to construct HSSES (Hydrogen Self Supply Energy System) which is found to be attractive especially for small electric cars and home cogenerations.
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2002 International Joint Power Generation Conference
June 24–26, 2002
Scottsdale, Arizona, USA
Conference Sponsors:
- Power Division
Hydrogen Gasifier From Acid Water and Its Energy Systems
Tatsuya Shimizu
Tatsuya Shimizu
Mie University, Tsu, Mie, Japan
Search for other works by this author on:
Seizo Kato
Mie University, Tsu, Mie, Japan
Tatsuya Shimizu
Mie University, Tsu, Mie, Japan
Paper No:
IJPGC2002-26168, pp. 849-855; 7 pages
Published Online:
February 24, 2009
Kato, S, & Shimizu, T. "Hydrogen Gasifier From Acid Water and Its Energy Systems." Proceedings of the 2002 International Joint Power Generation Conference. 2002 International Joint Power Generation Conference. Scottsdale, Arizona, USA. June 24–26, 2002. pp. 849-855. ASME.
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