Flow boiling in micro channels is attracting large attention since it leads to large heat transfer area per unit volume. Generated vapor bubbles in micro channels are elongated due to the restriction of channel wall, and thus slug flow becomes one of the main flow regimes. In slug flow, sequential bubbles are confined by the liquid slugs, and thin liquid film is formed between tube wall and bubble. Liquid film evaporation is one of the main heat transfer mechanisms in micro channels and liquid film thickness is a very important parameter to determine heat transfer coefficient. In the present study, liquid film thickness is measured under flow boiling condition and compared with the correlation proposed under adiabatic condition. The relationship between liquid film thickness and heat transfer coefficient is also investigated. Pyrex glass tube with inner diameter of D = 0.5 mm is used as a test tube. Working fluids are water and ethanol. Laser focus displacement meter is used to measure the liquid film thickness. Initial liquid film thickness under flow boiling condition can be predicted well by the correlation proposed under adiabatic condition. However, measured liquid film thickness becomes thinner than the predicted values in the cases of back flow and short slugs. These are considered to be due to the change of velocity profile in the liquid slug. Under flow boiling condition, liquid film profile fluctuates due to high vapor velocity and shows periodic pattern against time. Frequency of periodic pattern increases with heat flux. At low quality, heat transfer coefficients calculated from measured liquid film thickness show good accordance with heat transfer coefficients obtained directly from wall temperature measurements.
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2010 14th International Heat Transfer Conference
August 8–13, 2010
Washington, DC, USA
Conference Sponsors:
- Heat Transfer Division
The Effect of Liquid Film Evaporation on Flow Boiling Heat Transfer in a Micro Tube
Youngbae Han,
Youngbae Han
The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
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Naoki Shikazono,
Naoki Shikazono
The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
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Nobuhide Kasagi
Nobuhide Kasagi
The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
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Youngbae Han
The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
Naoki Shikazono
The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
Nobuhide Kasagi
The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
Paper No:
IHTC14-22751, pp. 123-132; 10 pages
Published Online:
March 1, 2011
Han, Y, Shikazono, N, & Kasagi, N. "The Effect of Liquid Film Evaporation on Flow Boiling Heat Transfer in a Micro Tube." Proceedings of the 2010 14th International Heat Transfer Conference. 2010 14th International Heat Transfer Conference, Volume 6. Washington, DC, USA. August 8–13, 2010. pp. 123-132. ASME. https://doi.org/10.1115/IHTC14-22751
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