“Twin jets in Crossflow” is a common configuration that finds application in several large and/or small scale industrial fields. The interest in such a configuration is further enhanced by its dependence in several parameters, that may be geometric, dynamic, thermal, or relative to the handled fluid composition. We propose to focus in the present work on the effect of the number of the emitted jets on the generated heat transfer, in presence of an unchanged uniform crossflow. To reach this goal, single, double and triple jet configurations were simulated, based upon the resolution of the Navier Stokes equations by means of the RSM (Reynolds Stress Model) second order turbulent closure model, together with a non uniform grid system particularly tightened near the emitting nozzles. After validation, we tried to find out the impact of the number of the handled jets on their cooling “power” by tracking the temperature distribution of the resulting flowfield. Since in practically all applications we are in need of higher efficiencies and then of higher operating temperatures, we are constantly concerned about not going beyond the shielding material melting temperature. If the use of cooling jets proves to be efficient, this may bring a significant progress in the technological field.

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